Wilson Creek Invasive Bamboo Removal

This could be where the term "bamboozled" originated?

     Over fifty volunteers convened yesterday hosted by Hickory NC Trout Unlimited Chapter 032, other regional TU members, and in partnership with National Bamboo of Asheville and ACleanWilsonCreek.org. The goal was to begin with a short term pilot effort ...the removal of a large plot of invasive bamboo on a privately owned tract of Wilson Creek.  The goal of the owners is to over a longer span, remove the bamboo forest in a controlled manner and reestablish the waterfront and riparian zone with natural botanical and landscape features. It was decided three years ago that it would be a massive undertaking, involving biological consultation, a systematic approach over a decade, and no shortage of person-power and some machinery. The result: an estimated 40 tons of bamboo was harvested and piled for processing and removal in the weeks ahead by National Bamboo company, which will transform the raw stalks into sustainable agricultural products and biodegradable resins that can be used to replace plastics. This story will undoubtedly continue for some time to come, but a flag has been planted and discussions of phase II are already underway! A huge thanks to Jackie Green, Chick Woodward, and others from Hickory NC Trout Unlimited Chapter 032, to Everest Holmes of National Bamboo, and the owners of Wilson Creek Preserve for their commitment to returning the banks of our National Wild and Scenic River to it's natural state!

Wilson Creek, a Wild & Scenic River NC Wildlife Resources Commission Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina Wild South U.S. Forest Service - National Forests in North Carolina Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation

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